Historical performance (European Master of Early Music - EMEM) (MgA.)

Janáčkova akademie múzických umění, Hudební fakulta

Janáčkova akademie múzických umění
Komenského náměstí 6, 662 15 Brno

Typ studia

Magisterské navazující

Termín přihlášek

5. 12. 2021

Termín přijímaček

31. 1. - 4. 2. 2022 (záleží na specializaci)



O studijním programu.

Historical performance (European Master of Early Music - EMEM)

The aim of this study program is to prepare the graduate:

with a high level of skills in the performance area, including gaining control over a broad repertoire of the main field of specialization

with a deep knowledge of the history and repertoire of instruments / voice

with an orientation in the aesthetics of art including a knowledge of the development of artistic trends

with practical experience gained through working on faculty or university projects (solo projects, chamber and orchestral projects often with international participation) and through experience gained from studying abroad

with adequate ability to create research work

with a knowledge of the principles of pedagogical work and an orientation in the current trends of teaching methodology in the given specialization


  • Co je potřeba k přijetí?.

Harpsichord and historical keyboard instruments/fortepiano  

Recital program of 60-80 minutes

At least four compositions from the following stylistic fields

– 16th century music (Mayone, Erbach, de Macque)

– An Early Baroque composition (Sweelinck, Frescobaldi, Rossi, Byrd, Bull etc.-historic fingerings are welcome)

– A representative composition of the French baroque style (d´Anglebert, L. or F. Couperin, Rameau, Balbatre, Duphly, de la Guerre, Geoffrey etc.)

– A representative composition of German baroque style (Froberger, Kerll, Buxtehude, Kuhnau, J. S. Bach, Händel etc.

– A virtuoso Italian, Spanish composition (Scarlatti, Soler etc.)

– An improvisation in a certain historical style

– A sonata or concerto of the second half of the 18th century 

– A piece of the Empfindsamer Stil (C.Ph. Bach, W. Fr. Bach, G. A. Benda etc.)

– A work from classical style (Haydn, Koželuh, Mozart, Beethoven etc.)

– A composition in Early Romantic style (Voříšek, Schubert, Dusík, Rejcha etc.)

Italian, Flemish, French, German harpsichords and two fortepiano (early Walther and Graff 1819) are at disposal

Historical flute  

Recital program of 60-80 minutes

– A representative composition of solo flute – own choice

– A composition of French Baroque (Couperin, Boismortier, Hotteterre etc.)

– A methodical sonata by Telemann

– Further compositions of preferred style of provenience

The candidate is also encouraged to play a different type of instrument, e.g. renaissance flute or classical flute


Historical violin  

Recital program of 60-80 minutes 

– An Early Baroque composition/ Farina, Fontana, Mealli, Ucellini etc.

– A virtuoso composition of the second half of the 17th century/Albertini, Biber, Schmelzer, Westhoff, Buxtehude ad./

– A virtuoso Italian sonata from the 18th century/Corelli, Tartini, Veracini, Vivaldi, Bonporti etc.

– A piece for violin solo/Biber, Westhoff, Bach – two movements, Pisendel 2 movements/

– A French violin sonata/E. J. der la Guerre, F. Couperin, J.M. Leclair and./

– A sonata or concert of the second half of the 18th century 


Historical violoncello  

Recital program of 60-80 minutes

– A Baroque or classical solo concerto according to own choice

– A solo suite by J.S. Bach at own choice

– A solo ricercar of Domenico Gabrieli according to own choice (but not the first ricercar)

– A French baroque composition

– An Italian baroque composition 


Historical voice  

Recital program of 60-70 minutes

– A lute song, lute Ayre or Air de cour (Dowland, Ferrabosco, Jones, Boesset, Moulinié etc.)

– An Early baroque composition-monody, aria (Monteverdi, Frescobaldi, Caccini, Grandi, Schütz, Kapsberger etc)

– A virtoso aria of the 17th century (Strozzi, Carissimi, Legrenzi, Buxtehude, Bernhard, Rosenmüller etc.)

– A cantata (or part of a cantata) of Italian or German style or alternatively a larger opera or oratorio scene with recitativo and aria (Händel, Vivaldi, A. Scarlatti, J.S. Bach and sons, Telemann, Graun etc.)

– A cantata (or part of a cantata) in French style or alternatively a larger opera or oratorio scene with recitativo and air of the 17th or 18th centuries (Lully, Charpentier, Campra, Rameau, Grétry, Marais, Jacquet de la Guerre etc.)

– A classical song or arietta (Haydn, Benda, Koželuh, Mozart etc.)



Recital program of 60-70 minutes

performed on historical instrument(s) from the lute/guitar family of own choice at least partly including idiomatic works from each instrument with standard repertoire,e.g. renaissance lute

  • Dowland, da Milano,
  • vihuela – Milán, Narvaez,
  • theorbo-Kapsberger, de Visée,
  • baroque lute – Weiss, Gaultier,
  • baroque guitar. Sanz Corbetta,
  • mandora- Brescianello) 


O městě Brno

Brno ŽIJE! V Brně je 34 fakult čtrnácti univerzit a dalších vysokých škol s více než 83 000 studenty. Brno patří mezi nejlepší studentská města ve světě. Lepší místo než Brno jste si pro svoje studium vybrat nemohli.

V Brně najdete nespočet dobrých restaurací, kaváren, bister, cukráren a vináren. Rozhodně byste si neměli nechat ujít Bistro GÔ na Běhounské, to je ten nejautentičtější vietnamský street food široko daleko. Dále Bar, který neexistuje, Super Panda Circus, JustWine a Sorry - pečeme jinak.

Večerní a noční Brno má také své kouzlo. Můžete vyrazit na prohlídku města anebo strávit čas v hudebních klubech (Fléda, Melodka, Kabinet Múz, ArtBar Druhý Pád, atd.). Rozhodně neuděláte chybu, když zajdete na Jakubské náměstí, kde to, především v době od jara do podzimu, žije naplno. Najdete tam Divadlo Bolka Polívky, slavný Výčep na stojáka nebo vyhlášené veganské občerstvení Forky’s.

Romantický výhled na noční město si užijete třeba z Denisových sadů, ze Špilberku nebo Kraví hory.

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